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Lads from Irssal Amaze JLSS

Over ten lads from Irssal, far up in North Beqaa, registered in JLSS this year.
Stone Art by Khaled alHoujairyFrom the very first days we were impressed with their amazing conduct, eagerness to lend a helping hand, and enthusiasm to learn and acquire new skills.
New students don't usually talk about conditions of their previous schools. These boys are full of praise for JLSS telling about the enormous difference from schools in their region. Sadly, these schools are completely neglected with almost no equipment. Very little learning is possible there.
The boys are delighted and thankful to be in JLSS. That definitely is worthy of praise, especially when it comes from boarding students.
It is not typical of young people to have such huge appreciation of school. These boys are a wonderful addition to our vocational department.
Irssal is famous for its stone quarries. Everyone in Lebanon knows that the best stone comes from Irssal.
We didn't realize that some of the parents of these students are also great artists in stone-work.
The last day before the Christmas holiday one of the parents arrived with an amazing gift to JLSS which he made himself. Mr. Khaled al-Houjairy, father of our student Hussein, presented JLSS with a most beautiful stone etching.
Friday 12 January 2024 another parent, Mr. Mohammad al-Fliety, father of our student Abdelrahman, arrived with another gift of stone-art he also made himself. This beautiful stand with a stone-scroll with the name of our school was placed at the entrance of the school.
We express our most sincere gratitude to Mr. Khaled al-Houjairy and Mr. Mohammad al-Fliety for their wonderful gifts. Above all, we congratulate them and the other parents from Irssal for bringing up such wonderful boys. We are delighted to have such students whom we are certain will have a great future.

Stone Art by Mohammad alFliety     Stone Art from Irssal in JLSS

Schneller School Name in Arabic
Johann Ludwig Schneller Schule

Education for Peace since 1860